Population Pyramid
Data Visualization
A Population Pyramid, Data Stories from Catalonia, 1911-2011. Developed for the Understanding Risk Forum 2018, Mexico City, for the World Bank.
Data generated by by Anna Cabré i Pla, (Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics ~ www.ced.uab.es, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). The Augmented layer developed with VISYON ~ www.visyon360.com, with Support from Pablo Suarez.

The Augmented layer was designed to give the audience a introduction and overview of the Sculpture
- To provide information to accompany Sculpture and highlight key dates that are relevant to understanding risk
- To raise awareness and interest in population dynamics and their interaction with world events shaping local risks over time.
- To provide information to accompany Sculpture and highlight key dates that are relevant to understanding risk
- To raise awareness and interest in population dynamics and their interaction with world events shaping local risks over time.