What day is it today ? tomorrow ? next week ? Thursday ? the 25th? Sometimes I don’t know – how do you explain to a 4 year old? I live between Milan and Dublin, when I would say – “see you next Thursday” my daughter didn’t understand? it would be something like ‘after after after after tomorrow +/- ‘ It was more fun to colour and draw on the calendar than try understand it… how do you explain the concept of the time to a 4 year old… ?
How to teach the concept of time to a 4 year old?
A normal calander didn’t work, as it just went round in circles,,,, so we came up with a straight line, with a post it note…
The idea is to place notes for events, someones birthday… a trip to the zoo, when daddy comes home… As the days pass, the child moves the note accross and see the duration of time getting closer to that event….
Make it personal
hmmm … One week to fly to Ireland… Easter is arriving, the calendar takes a feathered theme…
2 days left to her birthday…
The Upper piece shows the days, and the base has the dates… For a new month the upper piece can slide into the correct slot for the day of the beginning of the month… Laser cut birch ply, chalkboard paint and elastic cord.